“Smart, specialized environmental observatory in Messinia (ISEO)”

More than 100 citizen volunteers are taking part, carrying equipment to measure key air pollutants and will monitor the levels of pollution they are exposed to in their daily lives. Stay tuned on the project following our social media accounts https://www.facebook.com/AirTech-Lab-NCSR-Demokritos-110244847771640 The greek local press writes for Airtech Lab and the project: https://www.dikaiologitika.gr/eidhseis/science/389991/oi-kalamatianoi-pairnoun-tin-epistimi-sta-xeria-tous?fbclid=IwAR0DnNL1D8xOD2VsScZI4AjRkwtmnoQRg1Lam6HqX1jEvCHO9ekbIaNN9ck

TREEADS- New project for Airtech Lab

TREEADS Horizon 2020 project (GA101036926) The new project TREEADS launches on 1st of December 2021 with the participation of Airtech Lab. The TREEADS project will adopt a holistic forest fire management approach based on the deployment of a comprehensive forest fire management system covering all interconnected stages of prevention & preparedness, detection & response as […]


The first OPEN “VISIONS” LIFE DAY “Towards improved indoor environmental quality and health, enabling energy savings, through the production of an innovative photocatalytic paint: The Life Visions project” was held as a web event on Tuesday, 27th July 2021, with over 50 participants of the public, private and scientific community. 

“Smart, specialized environmental observatory in Messinia (ISEO)”

The project aims to highlight the possibilities that the specific specialized methodologies have for the study of the air and the marine environment. The project will create an environmental observatory in the region of Messinia, capable of providing valuable information regarding the air and marine pollution. Regarding air pollution, the main objective is to assess […]