The lab

The Airtech Lab belongs to the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety of NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”. The purpose of the lab is to develop and implement integrated methodologies for understanding atmospheric chemical and physical processes and assessing their interactions with human health.

Research Activity

Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change

Indoor Air Quality
and Health

Improvement of
Air Quality

Citizen Science and Population Exposure

Indoor Air Quality and Health

Comprehensive study of the indoor air quality of buildings including all chemical factors (particles, organic and inorganic pollutants), as well as physical parameters (eg. temperature, light intensity, ventilation) that determine the comfort of users inside them

Atmospheric Pollution
and Climate Change

AirTech Lab distinctive strengths are in urban air pollution, chemical composition of aerosols, analytical measurement technologies, remote sensing, climate change and human health. More specifically:

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· Mass and Chemical composition of particulate matter (PM) using advanced laboratory analysis, with emphasis on the main components of the aerosol such as organics (polyaromatic hydrocarbons), ionic composition (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, ammonia) and organic/elemental carbon (OC/EC).

· Atmospheric pollutant measurements (volatile organic compounds, inorganics, POP’s) in urban and rural environments using state of the art laboratory equipment and remote sensing devises and infrastructures followed by health impact assessment.

· Investigation of the effect of meteorology on the pollution levels of a wider area and a combined study with application of recipient models (source apportionment). Focus on areas of particular interest such as areas adjacent to industrial sectors, areas characterized by frequent dust transfers, high biomass burning, coastal areas nearby large ports etc.

· Investigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) levels and their emission sources as major atmospheric components with a direct impact on climate change (development of an innovative sampling system – analysis of GHGs).

Improvement of Air Quality

· Εργαστηριακές και πραγματικής κλίμακας εφαρμογές καινοτόμων φωτοκαταλυτικών υλικών για τον έλεγχο της ικανότητάς τους να αποσυνθέτουν τους ατμοσφαιρικούς ρύπους σε αστικό και εσωτερικό περιβάλλον

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Within a Specially Designed Reactor, the evaluation of the materials’ photocatalytic performance is carried out through the calculation of certain photocatalytic and chemical kinetics parameters. Additionally, the mechanisms of the chemical reactions taking place between nanomaterials and gaseous pollutants and the formation of by-products during the photocatalytic reactions are investigated.

Enviromental quality

Contribute to the decision-making of policies and guidelines related to the resilience of the urban environment to air pollution as well as to the harmonization with European standards.


Comprehensive study of the indoor air quality of buildings including all chemical factors (particles, organic and inorganic pollutants), as well as physical parameters (eg. temperature, light intensity, ventilation) that determine the comfort of users inside them

Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change

AirTech Lab distinctive strengths are in urban air pollution, chemical composition of aerosols, analytical measurement technologies, remote sensing, climate change and human health. More specifically:

· Mass and Chemical composition of particulate matter (PM) using advanced laboratory analysis, with emphasis on the main components of the aerosol such as organics (polyaromatic hydrocarbons), ionic composition (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, ammonia) and organic/elemental carbon (OC/EC).

· Atmospheric pollutant measurements (volatile organic compounds, inorganics, POP’s) in urban and rural environments using state of the art laboratory equipment and remote sensing devises and infrastructures followed by health impact assessment.

· Investigation of the effect of meteorology on the pollution levels of a wider area and a combined study with application of recipient models (source apportionment). Focus on areas of particular interest such as areas adjacent to industrial sectors, areas characterized by frequent dust transfers, high biomass burning, coastal areas nearby large ports etc.

· Investigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) levels and their emission sources as major atmospheric components with a direct impact on climate change (development of an innovative sampling system – analysis of GHGs).

AQ Improvement (Photocatalysis)

· Laboratory and real scale applications of innovative photocatalytic materials for testing their ability to Degrade Air Pollutants in urban and indoor environment.

Within a Specially Designed Reactor, the evaluation of the materials’ photocatalytic performance is carried out through the calculation of certain photocatalytic and chemical kinetics parameters. Additionally, the mechanisms of the chemical reactions taking place between nanomaterials and gaseous pollutants and the formation of by-products during the photocatalytic reactions are investigated.

Contribute to the decision-making of policies and guidelines related to the resilience of the urban environment to air pollution as well as to the harmonization with European standards.

Provision of Specialized Research Service

The capability of AirTech Lab to measure with accuracy and reliability the most important air pollutants, in terms of their impact on air quality and human health, has resulted in the provision of advanced services to public and private organizations.


The AirTech Lab is accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

by the Hellenic Accreditation System


Το πρότυπο εργασίας του εργαστηρίου θα βασιστεί σε εκτεταµένη συνεργασία µε διεθνή επιστηµονικά δίκτυα,
συµπεριλαµβανοµένων ευρωπαϊκών επιτροπών, πανεπιστηµίων, ερευνητικών κέντρων, ρυθµιστικών αρχών και της βιοµηχανίας.

European and National Projects

The AirTech Lab participates in a significant number of European and National Projects funded by the EC (HORIZON 2020, LIFE, FP7 etc.) and National Funds (Regional Operational Plans) 

Atmospheric Pollution
and Climate Change

AirTech Lab distinctive strengths are in urban air pollution, chemical composition of aerosols, analytical measurement technologies, remote sensing, climate change and human health. More specifically:

· Mass and Chemical composition of particulate matter (PM) using advanced laboratory analysis, with emphasis on the main components of the aerosol such as organics (polyaromatic hydrocarbons), ionic composition (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, ammonia) and organic/elemental carbon (OC/EC).

· Atmospheric pollutant measurements (volatile organic compounds, inorganics, POP’s) in urban and rural environments using state of the art laboratory equipment and remote sensing devises and infrastructures followed by health impact assessment.

· Investigation of the effect of meteorology on the pollution levels of a wider area and a combined study with application of recipient models (source apportionment). Focus on areas of particular interest such as areas adjacent to industrial sectors, areas characterized by frequent dust transfers, high biomass burning, coastal areas nearby large ports etc.

· Investigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) levels and their emission sources as major atmospheric components with a direct impact on climate change (development of an innovative sampling system – analysis of GHGs).

Indoor Air Quality and Health

Comprehensive study of the indoor air quality of buildings including all chemical factors (particles, organic and inorganic pollutants), as well as physical parameters (eg. temperature, light intensity, ventilation) that determine the comfort of users inside them

Improvement of Air Quality

AQ Improvement (Photocatalysis)

· Laboratory and real scale applications of innovative photocatalytic materials for testing their ability to Degrade Air Pollutants in urban and indoor environment.

Within a Specially Designed Reactor, the evaluation of the materials’ photocatalytic performance is carried out through the calculation of certain photocatalytic and chemical kinetics parameters. Additionally, the mechanisms of the chemical reactions taking place between nanomaterials and gaseous pollutants and the formation of by-products during the photocatalytic reactions are investigated.

Citizen Science And Population Exposure

Design, deployment, and validation of citizen science-based methodology for air quality observation and population exposure study. By using cutting-edge technology (sensors) and modern IT products (IoT), citizens become contributors to scientific research while also staying engaged with environmental issues.